Back to School & Digital Dilemmas
Aug 08, 2024
Back To School is one of the most interesting times of year. This season is filled with anticipation, relief for busy parents and even a little dread for the student not yet ready. The modern age and cellphones bring with it some pretty tough challenges for students, teachers and parents.
My daughter's school requires the students to turn in their cell phones to each class and the teacher puts them in box under lock and key! They mean business.
No more texting their friends under the desk or responding to parents. Imagine that - getting in trouble at school because you don't respond fast enough to your parents while in class. I recently read an article where a long-time teacher resigned because he couldn't compete against the blue glow.
Our kids are being pulled every which way and the ripple effect is immense. There are tools and expectations we can use to protect our kids from things like sexting, bullying and just plain feeling inadequate. But we must become aware. This is the first step toward digital freedom and peace.
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